test code that turned prod...

This commit is contained in:
Erik Eckert 2023-08-10 10:15:42 -06:00
parent 543d570024
commit 15ca98ef23

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@ -1,17 +1,68 @@
$APIToken = 'szjxBgQNQSW1xq2ByjKB'
$APIToken = 'iXZU8DNKth2qWaDjDck9'
$APIUrl = 'https://app3.archisnapper.com/api/public/v1/'
$url_APIToken = '?auth_token='+$APIToken
$url_APIToken = '?auth_token=' + $APIToken
$header = @{
auth_token = $APIToken
} | ConvertTo-Json
$OutputPathBase = "M:\N-Data\FieldReports\TestPath"
# get list of projects
$URI = $APIUrl+'sites.json'+$url_APIToken
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Method Get
# https://docs.archisnapper.com/reference/retrieving-your-projects
$page = 1 # init counter
do {
$URI = $APIUrl + 'sites.json' + $url_APIToken + '&page=' + $page
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Method Get
$ProjectList = $response.Content | convertfrom-json
foreach ($project in $ProjectList) {
$project_Name = $Project.name
$project_number = $project.unique_id
$OutputPathBase_Project = $OutputPathBase + '\' + $project_number + '-' + $project_Name
$project.visits | foreach -Parallel {
$pathExist = Test-Path $USING:OutputPathBase_Project -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!($pathExist)) {
New-Item -Path $USING:OutputPathBase_Project -ItemType Directory
if ($_) {
$testURI = $_.pdf_link + '&auth_token=' + $USING:APIToken
$Outfile = $USING:OutputPathBase_Project + '\' + $_.unique_id + ".pdf"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $testURI -OutFile $Outfile
} -ThrottleLimit 10
# foreach ($visit in $Project.visits) {
# $pathExist = Test-Path $OutputPathBase_Project -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# if (!($pathExist)) {
# New-Item -Path $OutputPathBase_Project -ItemType Directory
# }
# if ($visit) {
# $testURI = $visit.pdf_link + '&auth_token=' + $APIToken
# $Outfile = $OutputPathBase_Project + '\' + $visit.unique_id + ".pdf"
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $testURI -OutFile $Outfile
# }
# }
} until (
$response.Content -eq $null
$ProjectList = $response.Content | convertfrom-json