migrate to new repo

This commit is contained in:
Erik Eckert 2023-09-14 10:53:02 -06:00
parent 0971ff8f03
commit 2931268bb3
5 changed files with 688 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
for each server / Office
sanitize project number
Compare against each other office
if matched
get-file counts for each server
report duplicate site / count
Migrating to use a SQLLite DB.
$PathToDB = "C:\Users\eeckert\Downloads\EgnyteTesting\Dedupe.SQLite"
$PathToOutput = "C:\Users\eeckert\Downloads\EgnyteTesting\Output"
$CSV_ImportFolder = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\WorkingRun"
$CSV_List = Get-ChildItem -Path $CSV_ImportFolder -Filter '*.csv'
$Office_to_compare_data = $null
foreach ($CSV in $CSV_List) {
$csv_temp = Import-Csv $CSV.FullName
$Office_to_compare_data += $csv_temp
# all Offices loaded into data strcuture 1
$Office_to_compare_data = $Office_to_compare_data | sort Project, OfficeServer
$temp_CSV_List = Get-ChildItem -Path $CSV_ImportFolder -Exclude "Output" | sort name -Descending # get list of CSV's to compare to.
$temp_csv_data = $null
foreach ($temp_csv in $temp_CSV_List) {
$temp_csv_temp = Import-Csv -Path $temp_csv.FullName # load comparison data
$temp_csv_data += $temp_csv_temp | sort Project, OfficeServer
# all offices loaded into comparison data structure
$ServerProgress = @{
ID = 1
Activity = "Processing: " + $CSV.OfficeServer
# PercentComplete = 100
# CurrentOperation = $_.Project
Write-Progress @ServerProgress
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
if ($CurrentDate.DayOfWeek -in ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday") -and $CurrentDate.Hour -GT 17 ) {
$ThreadLimit = 30
elseif ($CurrentDate.DayOfWeek -in ("Saturday", "Sunday")) {
$ThreadLimit = 30
else {
$ThreadLimit = 15
# foreach ($row in $Office_to_compare_data) {
# $Office_to_compare_data | Foreach-Object {
$Office_to_compare_data | Foreach-Object -ThrottleLimit $ThreadLimit -Parallel {
#Action that will run in Parallel. Reference the current object via $PSItem and bring in outside variables with $USING:varname
$PSStyle.Progress.View = "Minimal"
$DuplicateObj = $null
$NonDuplicateObj = $null
$JobID = Get-Random
$ComparisonProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Starting: " + $_.OfficeServer + ':' + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 0
# CurrentOperation = $_.Project
Write-Progress @ComparisonProgress
# if ($_.Project -in $USING:temp_csv_data.Project) {
if ($_.Project -in $USING:temp_csv_data.Project -and $USING:temp_csv_data.OfficeServer -ne $_.OfficeServer) {
$ignoreOffice = $_.OfficeServer
$duplicates = ''
$duplicates = $USING:temp_csv_data | where -property Project -eq $_.Project | where -Property OfficeServer -ne $_.OfficeServer
# $duplicates = $USING:temp_csv_data | where ((Project -eq $_.Project) -and (OfficeServer -ne $_.OfficeServer))
if (($_ -eq $duplicates) -or !($duplicates)) {
else {
$ComparisonProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Get Original Data: " + $_.OfficeServer + ':' + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 15
CurrentOperation = "Getting Original data from " + $_.OfficeServer
Write-Progress @ComparisonProgress
Write-Debug ("Getting file counts from current office...this will take a second...") -Debug
# TODO - identify NON-Duplicated files in these file structures...
# $row_file_count = [System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($_.FullPath, "*.*", "AllDirectories") | measure
$row_file = get-childitem -path $_.FullPath -recurse -depth 50 -File
$row_file_count = $row_file | measure
$row_file_lastwrite = $row_file | measure LastWriteTime -Maximum
$row_file_lastaccess = $row_file | measure LastAccessTime -Maximum
foreach ($duplicate in $duplicates) {
$ComparisonProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Get Duplicated data: " + $duplicate.OfficeServer + ':' + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 33
CurrentOperation = "Now getting duplicate path data from " + $duplicate.OfficeServer
Write-Progress @ComparisonProgress
$duplicate_file = get-childitem -path $duplicate.FullPath -recurse -depth 50 -File
$duplicate_file_count = $duplicate_file | measure
$duplicate_file_lastwrite = $duplicate_file | measure LastWriteTime -Maximum
$duplicate_file_lastaccess = $duplicate_file | measure LastAccessTime -Maximum
$ComparisonProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Processing: " + $duplicate.OfficeServer + ':' + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 66
# CurrentOperation = $_.Project
Write-Progress @ComparisonProgress
$result3 = [Regex]::Matches($_.FullPath, "^(.*[\\\/])") # This gets everything up the last slash, thus the "parent"
$ParentPath = $result3.value
$OriginalProject = "'" + [String]$_.Project
$DuplicateProject = "'" + [String]$duplicate.Project
if ($row_file_count.Count -ge 1 -and $duplicate_file_count.Count -ge 1) {
$DuplicateObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
OriginalServer = $_.OfficeServer
OriginalProject = "'" + $_.project
OriginalParent = $ParentPath
OriginalPath = $_.FullPath
OriginalFileCount = $row_file_count.Count ? $row_file_count.Count : 0
OriginalFileLastWrite = $row_file_Lastwrite.maximum
OriginalFileAccess = $row_file_lastaccess.maximum
DuplicateServer = $duplicate.OfficeServer
DuplicatePath = $duplicate.FullPath
DuplicateFileCount = $duplicate_file_count.Count ? $duplicate_file_count.count : 0
DuplicateFileLastWrite = $duplicate_file_Lastwrite.maximum
DuplicateFileAccess = $duplicate_file_lastaccess.maximum
elseif ($row_file_count.Count -eq 0 -and $duplicate_file_count.Count -gt 0) {
# Write-Host "File count is 0 on current side, remote server is source" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
$NonDuplicateObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
OriginalServer = $duplicate.OfficeServer
OriginalProject = "'" + $duplicate.Project
OriginalPath = $duplicate.FullPath
OriginalFileCount = $duplicate_file_count.Count ? $duplicate_file_count.Count : 0
OriginalFileLastWrite = $duplicate_file_Lastwrite.maximum
OriginalFileAccess = $duplicate_file_lastaccess.maximum
elseif ($row_file_count.count -gt 0 -and $duplicate_file_count.Count -eq 0) {
# Write-Host "File count is 0 on one side, not a duplicate..." -ForegroundColor Blue
$NonDuplicateObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
OriginalServer = $_.OfficeServer
OriginalProject = "'" + $_.Project
OriginalPath = $_.FullPath
OriginalFileCount = $row_file_count.Count ? $row_file_count.Count : 0
OriginalFileLastWrite = $row_file_Lastwrite.maximum
OriginalFileAccess = $row_file_lastaccess.maximum
elseif ($_.Project -inotin $Office_to_compare_data.Project) {
$NonDuplicateObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
OriginalServer = $_.OfficeServer
OriginalProject = "'" + $_.Project
OriginalPath = $_.FullPath
OriginalFileCount = $row_file_count.Count ? $row_file_count.Count : 0
OriginalFileLastWrite = $row_file_Lastwrite.maximum
OriginalFileAccess = $row_file_lastaccess.maximum
$ComparisonProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Writing: " + $_.OfficeServer + ':' + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 100
# CurrentOperation = $_.Project
Write-Progress @ComparisonProgress -Completed
# Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen $_.OfficeServer "done, dumping output..."
do {
try {
# $DuplicateObj | Export-Csv -Path ($USING:CSV_ImportFolder + '\Output\' + $USING:CSV.Name + ' Duplicates.csv') -Append -ErrorVariable Dup_CSV_result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$DuplicateObj | Export-Csv -Path ($USING:CSV_ImportFolder + '\Output\' + $_.OfficeServer + ' Duplicates.csv') -Append -ErrorVariable Dup_CSV_result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch {
<#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>
} while ($Dup_CSV_result.ErrorRecord -ne $null)
# do {
# try {
# $NonDuplicateObj | Export-Csv -Path ($USING:CSV_ImportFolder + '\Output\' + $USING:CSV.Name + 'NonDuplicates.csv') -Append -ErrorVariable Non_Dup_CSV_result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# }
# catch {
# <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>
# }
# } while ($Non_Dup_CSV_Result.ErrorRecord -ne $null)
$ComparisonProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Done: " + $_.OfficeServer + ':' + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 100
# CurrentOperation = $_.Project
Write-Progress @ComparisonProgress -Completed
# $OutPAth = $CSV_ImportFolder + '\Output\' + $CSV.Name + ' Duplicates.csv'
Write-Progress @ServerProgress -Completed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
$CSV_ImportFile = 'M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\WorkingRun\Output'
$CSV_ClientList = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\Client List.csv"
$date = Get-Date -Format FileDate
$exportPath_main = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\$date NonDuplicates.csv"
$AllDuplicates_files = Get-ChildItem -Path $CSV_ImportFile -Filter "* Duplicates.csv" -File
$AllDuplicates = @()
foreach ($file in $AllDuplicates_files) {
$temp_val = Import-Csv $file.FullName
$AllDuplicates += $temp_val
$ClientList = Import-csv $CSV_ClientList
$BaseDrive = 'X:\'
$ProjectRegex = '^X:\\[A-Z]{2}\W\d{2}\\\d{2}'
$OfficeList = Get-ChildItem -Path $BaseDrive -Directory -Depth 0
$OfficeList | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 3 -Parallel {
#Action that will run in Parallel. Reference the current object via $PSItem and bring in outside variables with $USING:varname
$XDrivePath = $_.FullName
Write-Host "Processing " $_.FullName -ForegroundColor Green
$ProjectFolders = get-childitem $_.FullName -Directory -Depth 2 | Where-Object FullName -Match $USING:ProjectRegex
$All_DupParent_Main = $USING:AllDuplicates.OriginalParent | sort -Unique
$All_DupProject_Main = $USING:AllDuplicates.OriginalProject | sort -Unique
$exportPath = $USING:exportPath_main
# $ProjectFolders now contains all folders down to the 3rd level of project number - for Example, 1234-567-001. We can now generate a project number for the output file.
# We need to get a file count for each "last" folder - IE, 001 in the example 1234-567-001.
$ProjectFolders | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 15 -Parallel { #uncomment for threaded mode
# $ProjectFolders | ForEach-Object { #comment for threaded mode
Write-Host "Processing " $_.FullName -ForegroundColor Cyan
$projectNumber = ''
# thank you ChatGPT
$string = $_.FullName
$regex = "\\(\d+(-\d+)*)"
$matches = [regex]::Matches($string, $regex)
$result = ""
foreach ($match in $matches) {
$result += $match.Groups[1].Value
if ($match.Groups[2].Success) {
$result += $match.Groups[2].Value
# if ($match.Groups[3].Success) {
# $result += $match.Groups[3].Value
# }
$projectnumber = ("'" + $result)
$result3 = [Regex]::Matches($_.FullName, "^(.*[\\\/])") # This gets everything up the last slash, thus the "parent"
$ParentPath = $result3.value
# / Thank you Chat GPT
if ($projectnumber.Length -lt 6 ) {
# write-host $_.FullName " is not a project" -ForegroundColor Cyan
elseif ($projectnumber.Length -ge 6) {
$out = $null
$OfficeRegex = "(X:\\[A-Z]+)"
$str = $_.FullName -replace ($OfficeRegex, "")
$OfficeServer = $_.FullName.Substring(1, 4) -replace (':|\\', '')
$All_DupParent_copy = $USING:All_DupParent_main
if ($ParentPath -notin $All_DupParent_copy) {
$str = $ParentPath -replace ($OfficeRegex, "")
$EgnytePath1 = ("/Shared/N-Data" + $str) -replace ("\\", "/")
$fileList = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Recurse -Depth 1
$FileSize = $fileList | measure -Sum Length
$totalFiles = $fileList | measure
$LastWriteDate = $fileList | Measure-Object LastWriteTime -Maximum
$LastAccessDate = $fileList | Measure-Object LastAccessTime -Maximum
$out = [PSCustomObject]@{
OfficeServer = $OfficeServer
ProjectNumber = $projectNumber
ParentPath = $ParentPath
UNCPath = $ParentPath -replace ('X:', "\\mpe.ca\datadrive")
EgnytePath1 = $EgnytePath1
# EgnytePath2 = $EgnytePath2
FileCount = $totalFiles.Count
FolderSize = ($FileSize.Sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) # Get's size in GB
LastWrite = $LastWriteDate.Maximum
LastAccess = $LastAccessDate.Maximum
Parent = "Yes"
do {
try {
$out | Export-Csv -Path $exportPath -Append -ErrorVariable CSV_result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch {
<#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>
} while ($CSV_result.ErrorRecord -ne $null)
elseif ($projectNumber -notin $USING:All_DupProject_Main) {
$str = $_.FullName -replace ($OfficeRegex, "")
$EgnytePath1 = ("/Shared/N-Data" + $str) -replace ("\\", "/")
$fileList = Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Recurse -Depth 50
$FileSize = $fileList | measure -Sum Length
$totalFiles = $fileList | measure
$LastWriteDate = $fileList | Measure-Object LastWriteTime -Maximum
$LastAccessDate = $fileList | Measure-Object LastAccessTime -Maximum
if (($FileSize.Sum -gt 0) -or ($totalFiles.Count -gt 0)) {
# no need to do anything if either value is Zero.
$out = [PSCustomObject]@{
OfficeServer = $OfficeServer
ProjectNumber = $projectNumber
ParentPath = $ParentPath
UNCPath = $_.FullName -replace ('X:', "\\mpe.ca\datadrive")
EgnytePath1 = $EgnytePath1
# EgnytePath2 = $EgnytePath2
FileCount = $totalFiles.Count
FolderSize = ($FileSize.Sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) # Get's size in GB
LastWrite = $LastWriteDate.Maximum
LastAccess = $LastAccessDate.Maximum
Parent = "No"
do {
try {
$out | Export-Csv -Path $USING:exportPath -Append -ErrorVariable CSV_result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# $out | Export-Csv -Path $exportPath -Append -ErrorVariable CSV_result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch {
<#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>
} while ($CSV_result.ErrorRecord -ne $null)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Import all NonDuplicates.
Find "root" path for each client folder.
if a ROOT folder appears in the Duplicate list (MPE All.CSV), then we can't migrate.
If a root does not appear, we can output that to...something...and these can be added to the migration list without subfolders.
$date = Get-Date -Format FileDate
$ImportPath = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\20230906 NonDuplicates.csv"
$DuplicateImportPath = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\MPE All.csv"
$Non_Duplicate_Folders = Import-Csv -Path $ImportPath
$Duplicate_Folders = Import-Csv -Path $DuplicateImportPath
$dupfolders = @()
foreach ($Dup_Folder in $Duplicate_Folders) {
$Duplicateresult = [Regex]::Matches($Dup_Folder.OriginalPath.Replace('X:\', '\\mpe.ca\datadrive\'), "^(.*[\\\/])")
$dupfolders += $Duplicateresult.Value
$dupfolders = $dupfolders | sort -Unique
$folder = [PSCustomObject]@()
$Non_Duplicate_Folders | foreach {
$result3 = [Regex]::Matches($_.UNCPath, "^(.*[\\\/])") # This gets everything up the last slash, thus the "parent"
$ParentPath = $result3.value
$out = @()
if ($ParentPath -notin $dupfolders) {
$out += [PSCustomObject]@{
ParentPath = $ParentPath
$folder += $out

DataBaseLoad.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
$PathToDB = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\WorkingRun\Dedupe.SQLite"
$PathToOutput = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\WorkingRun\Output"
$Refresh = $false
$DBExist = Test-Path $PathToDB
if (!($DBExist)) {
# Create SQLite DB
$Query = "Create Table FolderData (Server TEXT, Project TEXT, Parent TEXT, Path TEXT,FileCount INTEGER,FileSize REAL, FileLastWrite DATETIME, FileLastAccess DATETIME);PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;"
$QResult = Invoke-SqliteQuery -Database $PathToDB -Query $Query
$CSV_ImportFolder = "C:\Users\eeckert\Downloads\EgnyteTesting"
$CSV_List = Get-ChildItem -Path $CSV_ImportFolder -Filter '*.csv'
$Office_to_compare_data = $null
foreach ($CSV in $CSV_List) {
$csv_temp = Import-Csv $CSV.FullName
$Office_to_compare_data += $csv_temp
# all Offices loaded into data strcuture 1
# Load Data into SQL DB
$Office_to_compare_data = $Office_to_compare_data | sort -Property Project, OfficeServer
$Office_to_compare_data | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 15 -parallel { #-ThrottleLimit 5 -parallel
$ErrorLog = $USING:PathToOutput + '\SQL Error Log.txt'
$DBCopy = $USING:PathToDB #copy DB Path into local runspace
$Refresh_Copy = $USING:Refresh
# $ErrorLog = $PathToOutput + '\SQL Error Log.txt'
# $DBCopy = $PathToDB #copy DB Path into local runspace
# $Refresh_Copy = $Refresh
$JobID = Get-Random
$ProgressData = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Analysing:" + $_.OfficeServer + ": " + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 10
Write-Progress @ProgressData
$OfficeServer = $_.OfficeServer
$Project = $_.Project
$FullPath = $_.FullPath
$DBConn = New-SQLiteConnection -Database $DBCopy
$Query = "SELECT Project FROM FolderData where Project = '$Project';"
$sql_result = Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $DBCopy -Query $Query
if ($sql_result.Project -eq $null -or $Refresh_Copy -eq $true) {
# No need to re-do what we've done - move on to the next one
if ($DBConn.State -eq "Open") {
$result3 = [Regex]::Matches($_.FullPath, "^(.*[\\\/])") # This gets everything up the last slash, thus the "parent"
$ProgressData = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Getting file data for:" + $_.OfficeServer + ": " + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 25
Write-Progress @ProgressData
$FolderPath_Data = Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullPath -File -Depth 50 -Recurse
$folder_Parent = $result3.value
$folder_FileSize = ($FolderPath_Data | Measure -sum Length).sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
$folder_FileCount = ($FolderPath_Data | measure).Count
$folder_LastWrite = ($FolderPath_Data | measure LastWriteTime -Maximum).Maximum
$folder_LastAccess = ($FolderPath_Data | measure LastAccessTime -Maximum).Maximum
$ProgressData = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Writing to DB:" + $_.OfficeServer + ": " + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 75
Write-Progress @ProgressData
## Build Query and hopefully write to DB
if ($folder_FileSize -le 0 -or $folder_FileCount -eq $null) {
#Let's ignore Null Values
else {
try {
$Query = "Insert into FolderData (Server,Project,Parent,Path,FileCount,FileSize,FileLastWrite,FileLastAccess) VALUES ('$OfficeServer','$Project',`"$folder_Parent`",`"$FullPath`",$folder_FileCount,$folder_FileSize,'$folder_LastWrite','$Folder_LastAccess')"
Invoke-SqliteQuery -Database $DBCopy -Query $Query #-ErrorVariable SQLError
catch {
$timestamp = get-date
$errorMessage = $SQLError.ErrorRecord
$OutString = "[$timestamp] `t $errorMessage `t Query: `t $Query"
try {
$OutString | Add-Content -Path $ErrorLog
catch {
New-Item -Path $ErrorLog -Value $OutString
$ProgressData = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Analysing:" + $_.OfficeServer + ": " + $_.Project
PercentComplete = 100
Write-Progress @ProgressData -Completed

Get-ProjectFolders.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
Script should:
1) get list of all Project Folders
2) Determine if there's content in these folders (exlude shortcuts, lnks, single files)
3) Flag folders with content
4) Output results to file for each server.
Each Output file should be read by the analysis script to determine locations with duplicate data.
Output File should show:
X:\CG | ProjectNumber | FullPath | filecount
$PathToDB = "M:\IT\Egnyte\DuplicateFiles\WorkingRun\Dedupe.SQLite"
$BaseDrive = 'X:\'
$ProjectRegex = '^X:\\[A-Z]{2}\W\d{2}\\\d{2}'
$OfficeList = Get-ChildItem -Path $BaseDrive -Directory -Depth 0
$OfficeList | ForEach-Object -parallel {
$PathToDB_Copy_Main = $USING:PathToDB
$ServerProgress = @{
ID = 1
Activity = "Processing: " + $_.FullName
# PercentComplete = 100
# CurrentOperation = $_.Project
Write-Progress @ServerProgress
#Action that will run in Parallel. Reference the current object via $PSItem and bring in outside variables with $USING:varname
$XDrivePath = $_.FullName
# Write-Host "Processing " $_.FullName -ForegroundColor Green
$ProjectFolders = get-childitem $_.FullName -Directory -Depth 2 | Where-Object FullName -Match $USING:ProjectRegex
# $ProjectFolders now contains all folders down to the 3rd level of project number - for Example, 1234-567-001. We can now generate a project number for the output file.
# We need to get a file count for each "last" folder - IE, 001 in the example 1234-567-001.
$ProjectFolders | ForEach-Object -ThrottleLimit 15 -Parallel {
# Write-Host "Processing " $_.FullName -ForegroundColor Cyan
$PathToDB_Copy = $USING:PathToDB_Copy_Main
$JobID = Get-Random
$CurentLoopProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Analyzing " + $_.FullName
PercentComplete = 10
Write-Progress @CurentLoopProgress
$projectNumber = ''
# thank you ChatGPT
$string = $_.FullName
$regex = "\\(\d+(-\d+)*)"
$matches = [regex]::Matches($string, $regex)
$result = ""
foreach ($match in $matches) {
$result += $match.Groups[1].Value
if ($match.Groups[2].Success) {
$result += $match.Groups[2].Value
# if ($match.Groups[3].Success) {
# $result += $match.Groups[3].Value
# }
# / Thank you Chat GPT
# $result = $result -replace ('-','')
if ($result.Length -lt 5 ) {
# $CurentLoopProgress = @{
# ID = $JobID
# Activity = $_.FullName + " Not a Project"
# }
# Write-Progress @CurentLoopProgress
elseif ($result.Length -ge 5) {
$projectnumber = $result
$DBConnect = New-SqliteConnection -DataSource $PathToDB_Copy
$Query = "Select Project FROM FolderData where Project = '$ProjectNumber'"
$sql_result = Invoke-SqliteQuery -DataSource $PathToDB_Copy -Query $Query
if ($sql_result.project -eq $null) {
$CurentLoopProgress = @{
ID = $JobID
Activity = "Loading Telemetry for " + $_.FullName
PercentComplete = 75
Write-Progress @CurentLoopProgress
$result3 = [Regex]::Matches($_.FullName, "^(.*[\\\/])") # This gets everything up the last slash, thus the "parent"
$FolderPath_Data = Get-ChildItem -Path $_.FullName -File -Depth 50 -Recurse
$folder_Parent = $result3.value
$folder_FileSize = ($FolderPath_Data | Measure -sum Length).sum / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
$folder_FileCount = ($FolderPath_Data | measure).Count
$folder_LastWrite = ($FolderPath_Data | measure LastWriteTime -Maximum).Maximum
$folder_LastAccess = ($FolderPath_Data | measure LastAccessTime -Maximum).Maximum
if ($folder_FileSize -le 0 -or $folder_FileCount -eq $null) {
#Let's ignore Null Values
else {
$out = [PSCustomObject]@{
Server = $_.FullName.Substring(1, 4) -replace (':|\\', '')
Project = $ProjectNumber
Parent = $folder_Parent
Path = $_.FullName
FileCount = $folder_FileCount
FileSize = $folder_FileSize
FileLastWrite = $folder_LastWrite
FileLastAccess = $folder_LastAccess
} | Out-DataTable
Invoke-SQLiteBulkCopy -DataSource $PathToDB_Copy -Table "FolderData" -DataTable $out -Force
Write-Progress @CurentLoopProgress -Completed
Write-Progress @ServerProgress -Completed
} -ThrottleLimit 5